Antiques Roadshow #1

Gatherings' Antiques Roadshow and Holiday Party

December 10th from 1-3:30pm EST via Zoom.

Join us for an Antiques Roadshow style presentation of unique archival finds from Gatherings co-investigators. From masks and costumes, to excel sheets and spruce roots, it promises to be an exciting event to learn about what your fellow Gatherings folks are working on.

Featuring presentations from Stephen Johnson, Matt Jones, Sasha Kovacs, Kelsey Jacobson, Mark Turner, Gabrielle Houle, Jenn Cole, and Heather Fitzsimmons-Frey.

Following this programming on Zoom, we'll retire to Kumospace for casual social conversation at the (virtual) bar. Feel free to dip in and out as you are able or stay for the whole thing. Come raise a (real or virtual) glass to the holidays!